All in all Supercopier is an imposing application which will let you copy, transfer as well as move the files. You can limit the copy speed to the user defined value, reveal the copy speed and progress bar. Supercopier displays error console which provides information about the failed tasks and lets you make main window remain on the top of various other windows. It also makes use of minimal panel for letting you resume or skip current transfer. This application asks you to specify the source directory as well as target location for the file transfer process. You can opt for copying, transferring as well as moving the files and configure several dedicated parameters.

This application is located in the system tray area and access it’s function by right click on its system tray icon. You can also download Telerik UI For WinForms 2018. Supercopier has got a very well organized and simple user interface which will allow you to work with it easily. You can also view the errors, apply filters as well as verify the checksums.

You are also empowered to resume or skip current transfer. Supercopier is an impressive application which will let you copy, transfer as well as move the files. It is full offline installer standalone setup of Supercopier. Supercopier Free Download Latest Version for Windows.